Courtney over at Women Living Well is doing it again. She has some challenges and giveaways planned to help us get our lives and our homes ready for fall.
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1500 miles in three days...are we crazy or what? That is what we did last weekend. We are not as young as we used to be, but that is what we sometimes have to do as parents. It has been pretty crazy around here and I am glad for all the good words Paul penned to the Philippians-oh how I have needed to be reminded about the things that really matter: about what it means to give sacrificially. About how to be content when you get home and your air conditioner stops working when it is still hitting the 90's. How I have needed to be reminded about the source of my strength this week! New on the website this week: Philippians 4: 10-12 Phillippians 4:13-14 Philippians 4:15-17 It's a Mess in There -sharing the state of my quilt studio and an antique quilt I am working on. And speaking of spider web quilts-here is a tutorial from Tallgrass Prairie Studio Favorites from around the web: Why I Won't Be Going to Coffee With Her Again- Good read by Lisa Jacobson over at The Time-Warp Wife. Protecting our marriages sometimes begins with the friends we keep. And a shameless plug for my son's new website. I had not seen the video posted below before...the Good News in just seven notes. Worth a watch. And let me know if you figured it out before the reaction: "But of course!" Blessings!
Deb |
AuthorI am a wife, a mother, a quilter, and most of all a follower of Jesus Christ. Join me on facebookFollow me on TwitterCategories
March 2016