Scripture: And I will walk at liberty, For I seek Your precepts. I will also speak of Your testimonies before kings And shall not be ashamed. -Psalm 119:45-46, NASB Observation: -There is a liberty to be found in following God -Even before the highest rulers of the land we need not be ashamed when when it is God's words that we bring-His ways are far above even the most powerful men on earth. Application: How contrary to the world's view of the Christian's walk is that word "liberty." We are more likely viewed as a people weighed down under rules and regulations meant to bind us as mindless slaves. Instead we are a people set free. I read this little tidbit from J.D. Greear. It was a post on how to view money based upon the life of Zacchaeus, but this particular truth is applicable to us in general as well. "Zacchaeus didn’t become generous because Jesus commanded him to. (Go ahead, read through Luke 19:1–10. The only command in there is, “Come down from that tree!”) No, he became generous because he wanted to. Zacchaeus didn’t sit through a sermon on generosity; he soaked in the grace of Jesus, and that did more than 10,000 sermons on generosity ever could." Today and everyday I want to be a woman who soaks in the grace of Jesus-who lives life according to the freedom I have in Christ because I want to. Grace, Peace, and Mercy, Deb
AuthorI am a woman with a Mary heart and these are my musings as I read and study God's Word Join me on facebookArchives
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