Our apricot tree has burst forth with blossoms. And the sky is so blue today, I had to go out and enjoy. It put me in the mood to make another block full of color today. But before I move on to that I am delighted to announce the winner of the 2" x 4" Bloc Loc Ruler. Congratulations Dixie M!!! I have sent you an email with information on how to claim your ruler. Now back to today's block. It is called Nonesuch. A funny name. We actually shopped in a city that had a street named Nonesuch, lol. This block will give us lots of practice with quick corner triangles. And at the same time is pretty forgiving as you put it together. I have added a step-by step guide for Quick Corner Triangles to my General Instructions sheet so it has been updated. You can download the updated version HERE. It has also been updated on my Passing the Days page. Success with this block is mainly dependent on making sure your diagonal line is truly from corner to corner on the small squares. I line up my pieces with my needle in the down position to prepare for sewing. And then sew so that my needle lands just to the outside of my drawn line. Next I check to make sure that the small triangle covers the square underneath. If it does I go ahead and trim off the extra bits cutting 1/4" from my seam line. If it doesn't I only trim away the extra part of the white square, leaving my main square underneath intact. Here you can also see that I have sewn the second square in place. Now when I press the block I still have my 2 1/2" square to use as a guide when I sew this one to the rest of the block. Just a little trick to keep things squared up. The block goes together pretty easily once all of the squares are complete as there are not a lot of seams to match and no points to worry about. To get a PDF copy of this block visit my Passing the Days page. I hope you find some joy in your day and wish you all
Happy Quilting! Comments are closed.
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